My dad is a mechanic. Growing up, people would always tell me he was the best mechanic. I believed them because I saw the labor behind his craft. After work he’d spend hours reading owners manuals learning the different equipment he worked on. On the weekends he would work on friends and neighbors’ cars, tractors, and pretty much anything with an engine. Needless to say, when I need mechanical advice, I go to my dad.
Having someone to trust is nice, but he can’t help me with everything. Sometimes, I would ask him about things, and he would say he didn’t know. There are some things we must figure out on our own and some things we can look to others for.
The person I went to most for things growing up was my mom. She didn’t always have the answers, but she was really good at finding others who did. I wanted to learn baseball, and she signed me up. I wanted to play golf, she introduced me to her boss who played. Anytime I had a questions she was there with a pathway to the answer.
In 2016, there was a divide placed between my parents and me. It was politics. I remember talking to my dad in his living room sometime during Trump’s term. We were arguing about his fitness for office. I remember expressing fear for my kids' future, saying, “How do you know everything will be okay?” He said because it always was. I asked why. He said he didn’t know.
I went to my mom, but she didn’t have anyone to connect me with.
So, I started searching for answers on my own. I began reading Presidential biographies, Supreme Court cases, and the congressional record. I would spend my free time sharing my expertise with the community with The Very Flannel Dino, the Madisonian Republicans, and Politics and Parenting.
Along the way, I found some answers. It will be ok. But only if we do something.
Donald Trump is like Andrew Jackson in how he obtains and wields power. He is like Andrew Johnson in his pettiness. But he is like neither with his understanding of American history. That’s what makes him so dangerous. He has all the tools to destroy the world and none of the tools to preserve it.
Joe Biden is like Franklin Pierce and James Buchannan. Career politicians who lack the political skills to rise to the top independently. Biden is a compromise candidate. Someone the parties can get behind to fend off the radicals. What makes Biden dangerous is like Pierce and Buchannan, he is not in charge.
These two men have no place holding the highest office in the land.
Voting for Trump or Biden keeps our country stuck in the past. We need a leader who can move us forward—a leader who can make history.
Nikki Haley is that leader.
Nikki Haley is like Abraham Lincoln. She isn’t afraid to engage with the radicals and have tough debates. She speaks with rhythm and clarity. She relates to middle-class American families with folksy charm.
If we want things to be ok. We must elect better leaders.
I want you to vote for Nikki Haley because she is the leader unrepresented and powerless Americans need. She will provide stability for our children's future. She understands the complexity of our history and is ready to lead us into the next chapter of this great American story.
History is in the hands of the people. Empower your friends and neighbors to vote for Nikki Haley on Super Tuesday. A vote for Haley is a vote for our union’s stability—a vote for our children’s future—a vote for history.
That passage about Jackson and Johnson and tools to destroy is really good.