I am weak.
God gives me strength.
I was nothing.
God gave me life.
I was alone.
God gave me family.
I am flawed.
God forgives me.
I want love.
God loves me.
I felt unworthy.
We are all worthy of God’s love.
I wrote the poem after watching Sunday’s sermon on my laptop. I was thinking about all my failures and how frustrated I get with my imperfections. I began to question my worthiness. Then I turned on a song my wife shared with me the day before called God Does by The Red Clay Strays. It reminded me that while I feel weak, God gives me strength. And while I may not be perfect, God forgives me even when I struggle to forgive myself. No matter how difficult the day, I can look to him for love, warmth, and encouragement. While I don’t feel worthy of his love, he gives it to me anyway. All I have to do is accept it. And to anyone out there who may feel unworthy, you are not. We are all worthy of God’s love.
Below is a quick video I shared on my Instagram about the poem. Enjoy!
If you are interested in building a relationship with God but are unsure where to start, a good place to start is with a friend who has a relationship with God. If you don’t know anyone, please reach out. As Randy Newman sings, “You’ve got a friend in me.”