
Understood that Fall Out was fiction, but the concept of wiping out opposition to create a better state is not. We see in the right's latest concept to destroy necessary institutions. This is reflected in the left by wanting to pack SCOTUS, add new states, and eliminate the electoral college. And once the right has power (again) they will repack the court and add the State of South Illinois (!) Will this fall out lead to 200 year old ghouls (sans noses), murderous zombie fish and bears and people living in underground bunkers? I would hope not but what it might turn the Constitution upside down and that is a bad thing.

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Your piece above also reflects the concept, heard as far back as 1980 and most resoundingly in 2004, as the Most Important Election of Our Lifetime! Or if the one side wins, it is doom for the Republic. Well, they ALL cannot be the most important. It is a terrible way to frame an election for the most informative discourse but an excellent way to fund raise.

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